Artisan bread is best described by thinking about the person who makes the bread. An artisan baker is a crafts person who is trained to the highest ability to mix, ferment, shape and bake a hand crafted loaf of bread. They understand the science behind the chemical reactions of the ingredients and know how to provide the best environment for the bread to develop.
How to tell a true hand crafted bread. First look at the ingredients. There shouldn't be anything in bread besides flour, water salt and yeast. Flavored breads may list other recognizable ingredients like nuts, garlic, herbs or cheese. All of the ingredients should sound like familiar foods. Remember you are buying one of the oldest most basic foods there is. Next think about the place that the bread was made. In a small artisan bakery the baker will often show you around. If the bread is made in a large factory you might not get past the front gate. An artisan bakery is small enough that it is possible to train each worker to understand the whole process of making the bread and to make small enough batches for one or two people to manage. Each hand crafted loaf will have it's own unique, irregular shape.
At The Baker's Table our artisan bakers start in the early morning hours, crafting and baking our many varieties of breads and buns. This allows us to provide our customers with only the freshest breads on a daily basis. Come early...they will be warm to the touch!
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